UK Netpoint Limited can select data from upto 1.9 million UK B2B contacts for use in your mailshot. The data can be targeted by postcode, type of business (SIC Code or Business Activity) and size of the organisation (number of employees).
The information for mailing includes the contact name and job title, company name, address and postcode. All data originates directly from data owners and is updated on a regular basis to ensure it remains as accurate as possible.
You may of course already have your own data which you wish to supply to ourselves in order to send your mailing, UK Netpoint ensure that a stand alone data station is used for use of your data, this is a password protected station which secures your data whilst it is in use.
Being a fairly new business in the local area we used UK Netpoint to help spread the word about who we are and what we offer. On a number of occasions we have now used UK Netpoint for local postings to B2C potential customers to which they completed in a timely manner and to high standards. They also now undertake the running of our social media platforms to continue to release news on our latest holiday offers, including Facebook and Twitter. We would recommend UK Netpoint Limited for all of your Direct Mailing needs.
”Niche Travel Limited