Polywrapping is a service offered by mailing houses for inserting items into polybags (polythene bags) by hand, and then sealing the bags ready for collection.
Typically an address and postage indicia (PPI) will also be applied to what we call a carrier sheet, and the polywrapped items will be mailsorted and prepared for collection by a postal operator i.e. Royal Mail.
Polybagging is typically used when we are fulfilling daily catalogue requests, or low run magazine mailings where we can complete a mailing more quickly and efficiently if the items are polybagged instead of polywrapped.
Our polywrapping machine is a hand fed machine and produces around 700 an hour, dependant on the type of job you require. The main requests for polywrapping include:
We used UK Netpoint to help enhance our local B2B client base and we're delighted with the speedy and efficient service received. The initial quote, right through to final sign off and posting was super easy and hassle free. We will not hesitate to use UK Netpoint for any future direct mailing needs.
”Stock N Lock Self Storage